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Prostitution Laws in Nevada

Prostitution in Nevada

Prostitution and pornography laws are in Nevada, and the same legal system enforces them in each state. However, these two particular laws are written differently. In Nevada, the law is called “Legislature’s Interpretation of Prop. 125”, which indicates that any reference to prostitution or pornography in the Code can only pertain to that specific language.

While this might seem like a confusing law, it is very straightforward. Therefore, knowing this law can help you understand other Nevada laws and local court rulings when they are relevant.

In Clark County, one law directly relevant to prostitution laws in Nevada is Article 1, Section 5 of the Nevada Code. “It is unlawful for any person, either male or female, to perform any act known as commercial sex business on another person.” The language used in this article is inclusive and has been interpreted broadly by both the state and federal courts.

As a result, it has become essential to have a skilled lawyer defending clients facing charges under this section of the Nevada Code. It is also essential for escort services near me to know that prostitution is not illegal in Nevada but is instead protected by local, state, and federal laws.

Two additional statutes, one enacted by the Nevada Legislature and another created by the state’s House of Representatives, are more directly relevant to prostitution charges. Both provide criminal penalties for pimps and prostitutes, and they are included in the Nevada Prostitution Laws.

Specifically, these laws include Sections 8 and 9. While it may be true that prostitution is legal in Nevada under a broad reading of the prostitution laws, neither of these statutes criminalizes all forms of prostitution.

One provision of the prostitution statute in Nevada, Article 1, Chapter 7, makes it unlawful for a person to knowingly cause or aid and abet any person to have sex in public or of a nature intended to arouse or gratify the sexual desires of one person and another in private.

Because the prostitution statutes only cover vaginal sex, some people mistakenly believe the laws apply to men having sex with women in public. This is not the case. Another provision of the statute, Section 8, makes it a crime for a “girl” to knowingly give or receive money or anything of value from a “boy” for prostitution.

Again, because the prostitution statutes only cover vaginal sex, most people mistakenly think that this means that men can be charged with solicitation of a woman for prostitution, even if the women were solicited for anal or oral sex.

Because of the state’s controversial and complex relationship with immigration, it is sometimes difficult to find a Las Vegas, NV, prostitution attorney who will take a client’s case outside of Nevada. The courts, however, have upheld the legality of such charges. Charges of solicitation and use of force are not, by definition, against the civil rights of any individual.

Even so, the laws as they currently exist make it nearly impossible to fight a prostitution charge outside of Nevada, making finding a lawyer in Las Vegas difficult at best. There are, however, ways to seek legal assistance in Las Vegas if you’ve been charged with a Nevada prostitution offense. Many counties across the country have pro-bono public defenders. (The word “pro bono” means free, although the actual service provided may cost the client some money.)

These defenders are typically provided by the counties where their clients have been charged. The free consultations offered by many of these legal assistance centers are usually worth the fee they charge. If your case is successfully represented by a pro-Bono attorney, a judge may dismiss your case, and the case will not go to trial.

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